Eco-friendly houses
made of straw panels
Time proved technology
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Appreciate the health of your loved ones,
as well as the Planet
No residential building technology can compare
with straw panels in terms of environmental friendliness
and energy efficiency.
Our panels are based on a frame made of calibrated wood, dried in an oven. This durable material has an ideal ratio of strength, weight and durability, which allows us to build frame buildings up to 3 floors high and guarantee a service life of up to 100 years.
Everything we use is renewable resources. Their extraction and processing, as a rule, have a lower impact on the environment compared to other building materials.
The combination of straw, clay and wood is a successful combination of materials: they complement each other and give the building unique characteristics, as well as an exceptional indoor climate.
We use only dry rye straw, which was stored under a canopy and was not exposed to rain during harvest.
In the manufacture of panels, straw is mechanically pressed at a pressure of 5 tons/m2.
The formula of our plaster mix has been developed for more than ten years based on laboratory research and practical experience.

Clay has a high fire resistance, which makes it a safe building material, and is also excellent as a thermal insulation.
Advantages of straw panels
Low thermal conductivity
Simply put, the house is cool in summer
and warm in winter, as thatched walls
do not require additional insulation.
Moisture does not accumulate in the house, mold and fungi do not develop.
Straw walls made using our technology are highly resistant to lateral loads caused by
earthquakes, landslides, etc.
They have the ability to "rebuild"
and return to their original state.
Excellent noise insulation
Straw walls have the highest level of sound insulation compared to other materials.
The noise reduction rate when using straw
is 54 decibels.
We permanently solved this problem by wrapping the panels with stainless steel mesh, which is hidden in the plaster.
No rodent can chew through it.

Straw preserved with clay does not lose its thermal conductivity characteristics throughout its entire service life, which is more than 100 years.
It has an exceptionally positive effect
on the well-being of all residents.
The use of renewable materials in construction helps reduce CO2 emissions and helps preserve the environment.
  • Simple
    The house kit arrives at the construction site in the form of ready-made blocks, from which the walls of the house are formed.
    The house can be assembled by a team of several people within 3-5 days, as a constructor.
  • Clear
    Any team of carpenters of medium or higher skill level can assemble such a set using our installation scheme.
  • Easy
    The weight of one square meter without plaster is just 40 kg.
    For comparison, a brick wall of the same area would weigh 15 times more!
  • Economy
    These houses can be built on lightweight foundations, on screw piles, in areas with difficult terrain, in hard-to-reach places and provide significant cost savings during construction.
  • Tidy
    The production of wall panels takes place at the factory, and only direct installation is carried out on site. Thanks to this organization, construction waste is completely absent.
  • Eco-friendly
    At every stage of production and construction, our renewable technology is environmentally friendly!
(based on a house of 100+ m2 on your foundation)
100 € / м2
The cost of a home kit
without assembly

  • Wall straw panels, including over-window and under-window lintels (straw insulation)
  • Wooden trusses for floor-to-ceiling (without insulation and sound insulation)
  • Lower and upper strapping beams of walls and partitions
  • Wooden frame of partitions (without insulation and sound insulation)
  • Wooden rafters or roof trusses (without insulation and sound insulation)
250 € / м2
The cost of a home kit with
assembly and clay plaster

  • Стеновые соломенные панели, в том числе надоконные и подоконные перемычки (утеплитель солома)
  • Деревянные фермы для межэтажного перекрытия (без утеплителя и звукоизоляции),
  • Нижний и верхний обвязочный брус стен и перегородок,
  • Деревянный каркас перегородок (без утеплителя и звукоизоляции),
  • Деревянные стропила или фермы крыши (без утеплителя и звукоизоляции)
  • Сборка домокомплекта
  • Глиняная штукатурка соломенных стен дома снаружи и внутри
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350 € / м2
The cost of a straw eco-house
prepared for fine finish

В house set includes:
  • Delivery
  • A complete set for the construction of the frame and walls, as well as clay plaster of the thatched walls of the house outside and inside
  • Engineering systems (standard wiring of electrical wiring, water, heating pipes with materials)

The engineering systems include:
  • Wiring of electrical wiring to sockets, lamps
  • Wiring of water and sewerage to all plumbing items
  • Heating system with boiler (gas boiler, double-circuit, medium cost)
  • Exhaust ventilation system (supply and recuperation for a fee)

External communications connections are not included in the price

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of the eco-house construction
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